Let’s be honest here for a moment. If you want to develop a life-changing mindset, you have to stand up and face your fears. More than likely, living life has intensified your fears. Fears such as being jobless; or the fear of losing a relationship; or the fear of change.
You’ve got to own up to your fears if you want to make it through without a scratch.
The better you get at handling painful thoughts and feelings, the more effectively you can take action to make your life rich and meaningful.
As we progress through this 5 part article series, we’ll work through some truly authentic principles.
And in order to eliminate your fears and have the kind of life you deserve, you’ll need to follow through on the simple strategies you’ll be given.
So, are you ready to get started? Let’s take a brief look at 6 core principles that will lead you to a life free from fear. They include…
- Deactivation
- Expansion
- Connection
- Observation
- Values
- Committed Action
Here’s a very brief look at each of them.
By learning to deactivate painful and unpleasant thoughts, they will lose their ability to frighten, disturb, worry, or stress you. Your fears will have much less influence over your behavior.
In this step, you have to make room for pleasant feelings and sensations, instead of just trying to ignore or push negative thoughts from your mind.
This refers to staying in the present moment. You’ll want to connect fully with whatever is happening in the here and now. Put all of your focus and attention on whatever you’re doing.
In order to sever your relationship with fearful thoughts and feelings, you have to get to know yourself and your strengths.
One of the most essential steps for making your life more meaningful and eliminating your fears is to clarify and connect with your values. Your values will motivate you to make important changes.
The only way to end your fears is to take action, but not just any action. It only happens through effective and committed action: action that you take again and again. no matter how many times you fail or go off the beaten path.
Okay… so what have you noticed?
It’s important to remember that while these six core principals can transform your life, you won’t change your life by simply reading them here. To make any lasting change in your life, you have to make the commitment to action.
In a couple of days, I’m going to reveal some secret strategies about how to live a life free from fear. You will put them into action. Right?
Thank you for sharing these and I look forward to reading your upcoming posts! My biggest fear-inducing challenge right now is completing my dissertation work for my EdD degree, so I will take all the helpful advice I can get!