You might not realize how much technology, clutter and disorganization can add to your daily stress levels. At first glance it might seem difficult to unplug, de-clutter and organize enough to make a difference but the truth is, there is nothing better you can do for curing stress. You’ll become more productive and focused, and most of all, feel a lot less stress.
Technology Overload
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus the first place to look is at your technology. Many people today prescribe to the idea of “multi tasking”. Job descriptions often list multi tasking as a desirable trait. But, in reality one of the dangers of modern society is being over stimulated. When our brains are over stimulated it can become difficult to slow down enough to relax. It can cause headaches, make us feel disconnected and forgetful. Overstimulation can cause an inability to focus on any one thing at a time, thus making what you do manage to get done half hearted and not the best it could be.
Cure Toxic Stress Tip: Retrain your brain to focus on one thing at a time. When possible turn off electronics while you focus on one task at a time. Give yourself 90 minutes free of technology to work on one project at a time and you’ll be surprised at what will happen to your clarity and ability to focus.
The Clutter Trap
Is your desk overflowing with stuff? Do you havepaperwork here and there, and various things all over the place in your workspace? If you do, you have a clutter trap. A lot of people believe that clutter is natural today. We feel like we cannot avoid it, that we don’t have enough space, or that we have too much space, or that we work well in clutter. Well, the fact is statistics show that people who work in a cluttered environment are less effective at their jobs and more stressed out. If you’re wasting your time each day looking for things, if you’re embarrassed to invite anyone over, or you’re feeling crowded and overwhelmed you need to reevaluate your ideas about clutter.
Cure Toxic Stress Tip: Take a few minutes each day to de-clutter. As you put things away ask yourself whether the item is useful or not, whether it works or not, and whether you will use it on a regular basis or not. Then ask yourself where the item should “live”. Every item in your home or office should have a “home“and that “home” is not piled up on your desk. Invest in some baskets, shelving, and cabinets so that you can keep things orderly. Handlepaperwork once, it should be processed and filed, or thrown away. Right away.
The Organization Myth
It’s a misconception that you’re either organized, or you’re not. Being organized is a trait that is learned. If you’ve not learned it yet, take heart that you can learn it if you want to. The real truth about being organized is that like a gourmet chef you need the right tools. With the right tools to get and stay organized you’ll find it a lot easier. Also remember there is no one size fits all solution when it comes to being organized. You have to figure out your own style, and then develop a system. Once you do, you’ll let go of stress and overwhelm. When your environment is organized your mind will be organized too.
Cure Toxic Stress Tip: Figure out if you’re a like to file, or pile things and then choose the right tools to help you work with your natural proclivities. Don’t be afraid to donate or discard items that you don’t use. If you’ve not used it for four seasons, no matter what it is, you’re not going to use it and it’s just taking up space and causing disorganization.
These points make a lot of sense. I’ve also discovered recently, after a lifetime of multi- tasking, just how stressful it is. I love focusing on one thing. Specially writing – turning off technology and writing with pen and paper has a completely different effect on me, and the writing is so much better.
Multi-tasking that is but is particularly unhealthy for you. The truth is we actually can’t multi-task. Try reading the paper and listening to the words of a song you never heard before. You can’t do both at the same time. That’s what makes it so stressful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.
Clearing out .clutter can help you feel more organized. I am on a mission to simplify my life and business. This week I eliminated a credit card which would be one less bill to pay, rewards to juggle, etc. I unsubscribed from some of the email lists I am on. I also started turning off notifications from social media while I am working my “profit hours.”
Rachel recently posted The 16 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People
Some people don’t realize that debt (credit cards) is a form of clutter. It’s something that in front of you that you really want to either get rid of or get under control. In your blog post at I especially liked # 11 lack of organized plan. It’s a great post by the way. Thanks for sharing
I’m a complete hot mess when it comes to clutter in my home, and I’m working towards decluttering my home to live a more stress-free life. These tips were very down to earth, practical, and most importantly…doable! I will be implementing these as I continue to work room through room getting rid of things.
My boss is also keen of YouTube comic videos, he also watch these even in company hehehe..
So true. It’s a hard thing to change. I sometimes find walking very fast as if I’m walking through the hallways to take care of a patient when that part of my career is over. Listening is a skill that I’ve had to learn to master as a coach.