No matter how many goals you’ve already met by using the massive action strategy, there are going to be times when you hit a wall and aren’t sure if you can make it any further. It happens to everyone who thinks big and works to make their dream come true. There are common pitfalls that you will want to watch for so you don’t sabotage your success in reaching your goal.
Feeling overwhelmed
When you shoot for a big goal that has a lot of steps to the process, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Sometimes, once you get knee deep into the project, you start to see just how challenging it’s going to be or how long it’s going to take. Feeling overwhelmed can really set you back, so keep an eye out for it. If you start to feel it, take a break, revisit your goal and objectives and then plan out just a few of the next action steps you should take. Overwhelm usually happens when you are focused on the long-term, so bringing yourself back to what you need to do right now can be helpful.
Feeling like you are getting nowhere
Some goals take longer to reach, even when you are consistently taking massive action. You may feel at times that you will never reach your goal—that you just don’t have the stamina to keep up the hectic pace or the patience to see it through. When this happens, consider what your life would be like if you just gave up. Obviously you think your life will be much better if you reach your goal or you wouldn’t have started in the first place. Often by looking at the life you are striving for vs. the life you will go back to if you give up is enough to put some starch back in your shirt.
When you have self-doubt
Even the most self-confident person has moments of self-doubt. When self-doubt creeps in it’s a good time to check in with your support team or friends who are behind you all the way. Get with them and tell them your concerns or fears and let them be your cheerleader. If you don’t have access to a supportive friend or family member or group, or if you are too self-conscious to tell anyone about your fears, try journaling about your feelings. Without even trying, you can often get to the root of what’s causing the issue or see how silly you are being doubting yourself just by journaling.
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