Start Your Day with Marketing Tasks
If you really want to succeed at something, the best way to avoid problems is to make it a priority and do it first. Think about how you exercise if you are on a weight loss plan. You get up in the morning, and you get it out of the way, so you are successful right at the start of your day. That success carries with you throughout the day, making every choice going forward that much easier to make due to that success you experienced by getting your work out in early. You can do the same with marketing.
It’s so easy to get caught up in busywork, customer service, content creation, bookkeeping, and all sorts of tasks that take you away from the one money-making task you have which is promotion and making offers. The thing is, even if this makes it take longer to create the next product, that’s okay because the most important aspect of having a product is marketing that product if you want to have a successful business.
Because it’s so easy to get off track and caught up in other things that don’t bring in money right off, start your day with at least one money-making marketing task. Let’s look at a few things you can do first thing that will make a difference in your bottom line.
- Write & Send Email with CTA – Have you collected any case studies or stories of people using your products or services? If so, post a case study in an email with a CTA for them to get the same solution.
- Create a Meme with Stats from Your eBook & Share on Social Media with Link to the Book – If you’re selling an eBook, even if you did not write it, you can create a meme using facts as a quote that makes people think. Include a note about the problems this book solves, and you’re golden.
- Write & Publish a Blog Post with CTA – Blog posts should always include a CTA, and because of that, you can consider publishing a blog post to be a money-making marketing task as long as the post is promotional. A good post type for this is a product review.
- Write & Send One Promotional Email – Your emails can be a one-off email that promotes a sale or something. Look through your affiliate offers to find something you can promote of theirs.
- Record One Video & Post to YouTube & Facebook – You can earn in a few ways with Turning your highest rating blog posts into YouTube and FB videos. If these have a CTA to buy something, it will really pay off.
- Go Live on Facebook & Post CTA in Comments – One fun thing you can do is anytime you have something to promote is that you can go live on your business pages and in your groups. Excited about a product or service of yours or someone else’s? This will show that excitement.
- Turn Your Meme into a Boosted Post — Once you have let the meme go for a bit, if it’s getting good results already, go ahead and boost it for a few bucks.
- Turn your Video into an Advertisement on Facebook & Google – Take an entire video or cut of another video to make it into an advertisement on both Facebook and Google ads. If appropriate, you can also promote on YouTube.
- Use Creator Content for Your Affiliate Promotions so You can Cut & Paste an Email and Social Update – Many awesome creators who have affiliate programs give free content to you that you can simply cut and paste into your systems. This is the fastest and easiest way to do a money-making marketing task each day.
Keep in mind if you have already created the content, doing these marketing tasks in the morning will be fast and simple. You can also hire someone to help. A content marketing manager may handle collecting content from your writers (or theirs), editing, and posting it in the right spots with an amazing CTA so that you don’t have to do it.
The more you can get help, the easier marketing will become because you can automate most things once you start outsourcing. Because you are putting your marketing tasks first, you’re going to be able to outsource a lot sooner than most.
Is Your Marketing Working? You Only Know if You Set Goals and Measure Progress
Developing an effective marketing strategy is a necessary component of every business. However, it’s imperative that you set smart goals and measure your progress using the data points that you’re regularly tracking.
Here’s the thing: if you’re doing well and making money, it’s tempting to think you know what you’re doing and why and how you’re making money, but you’re only making assumptions if you aren’t tracking and measuring.
You may attribute your success to the wrong actions, thus risking interrupting your profit-making capabilities when you eventually make the wrong choice based on assumptions and not data. I mean a lot of the time, your assumptions will be right if you know your audience, but eventually – if you don’t use the data you’re collecting – you will make a wrong choice.
But if you use the data you have, the choices you make are more than likely to be accurate, thus helping you avoid actions that don’t lead to profit. What’s even better is your decision-making ability will improve as you keep studying the data, ensuring you are progressing in the direction you want to go.
- Set SMART Goals – Your first step is to set SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. This simply means that your goals must be very specific, something you can measure numerically, and you can’t set the goals so high that they are impossible. They must be something you can really do and achieve in a reasonable amount of time.
- Study Data Regularly – If you’ve set SMART goals and know exactly how to measure to find out if you’re reaching those goals, you’ll need to study the data on a regular basis. For some things, like a launch, you may have to look at the data daily for a couple of weeks but for evergreen marketing materials you may want to check only every 90 days. If you are running ads, you’ll want to check their progress weekly to avoid wasting money.
- Tweak & Update – If anything isn’t going as you planned once you check the data, the awesome thing about digital marketing is that you can easily change things on the fly. For example, if you realize you’re getting lots of clicks on a certain share but no conversions, you can assume something is not right. The landing page may not match the information they clicked through on, so you’ll need to do some tweaking there.
Tracking and measuring results based on your SMART goals is going to help you improve your business in many ways. First, you’ll be more likely to catch mistakes; secondly, you’ll be able to update and improve results more often simply by checking to see if your assumptions (based on research) are really working. Plus, you’ll see clearly where you can make even more audacious goals so that you can keep growing your business.
The Power of Focusing on One Marketing Channel and Promoting One Product at a Time
Sometimes when people start a business, in their excitement to make it, they bite off a little more than they can chew. This ends up causing serious overwhelm and is one of many reasons that people who want to start a business from home online tend not to make it. It’s not because it’s impossible, but because it’s so possible and you can do it in so many ways that it’s easy to get sidelined by “bright shiny object syndrome” and try to do everything at once.
Unfortunately, doing too much at once is usually not a recipe for success. Studies have shown that people cannot really multitask even if they think they are doing it. We all are not good at it despite what we tell ourselves. Therefore, if you pay attention to the studies, and you really want to be successful, you can create leverage by focusing on one thing at a time. Once you get the ball rolling and you’re earning money, it’s easier to branch out and do more, but make sure the one thing is in place and creating success before moving on to the next thing.
When it comes to marketing channels online, there are so many platforms you can use to get the word out about your products and or services. However, as just one person, it’s really going to be hard for you to do all of it and do all of it well. Instead, while you should set up accounts to get the right name for all social media platforms that your audience uses, you probably should not try to use each one fully every single day because you’ll spread yourself too thin.
Pick one marketing channel on which to get the ball rolling. You’ll create a snowball effect that will start paying off effortlessly eventually. Then at that point, you can move on to another marketing channel where you place your focus until it also is running almost on autopilot.
Let’s look at a few marketing channels that you may want to choose to focus on.
- Email Marketing – When you focus on email marketing, you’ll be focused on building your list, nurturing your list, and making more sales to your email list. This may consist of creating content for email messages, content, and bonuses to build the list and other actions. Focusing on email marketing over everything else is almost a no-brainer since it’s the most profitable form of marketing that exists today.
- Social Media Marketing – Using any social platform to market your services or products is social media marketing, whether you pay for ads or use content to get the word out. There are many platforms to choose from. It might help to choose the most popular to start with, build up that channel, then the other channels will grow almost on automatic once you announce them.
- Content Marketing – Using content to get the word out, to educate, inform, engage, and build your brand is a time-honored way to get more traffic and find leads and make more sales. Content may go on your website, social media sites, and in email. Sometimes content marketing focuses on using SEO to bring in traffic. Maybe you need to spend time ensuring you have enough of the right type of content on your site before you do the other channels.
- Affiliate Marketing – Once you have even one signature product or service to sell, starting an affiliate marketing program is a great way to duplicate yourself so that you can make more sales effortlessly. The affiliate is incentivized with a commission as well as awesome and effective marketing collateral that you create for them to use.
The marketing channels you choose depend on what your goals are. Do you want more brand awareness, leads, or sales? Maybe you just want more general traffic generation, or you want to educate your customers. Whatever your goal is will define the channel more clearly. Another factor in choosing the right channel will be your budget.
Also, within the marketing channel, you may want to pick just one thing – for example, with social media marketing, there are numerous avenues to go with Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and so forth.
You may want to choose just one of those as well to focus on until you build up that platform then move on to the next. The main thing is, don’t stretch yourself too thin as you’re building your business. Outsource as soon as you can so that you can duplicate yourself and focus on more than one thing at a time.
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