Taking Action… Massive Action…
Achieving your goals or succeeding in any field of endeavor requires you to take action. In fact, it requires massive action; the kind of action that most people are not willing to take to get the job done. And this is of course great news for you because if others are not willing to go to extra lengths to accomplish their goal, then this just means less competition for you moving forward.
You have no doubt previously heard about the importance of taking massive action, but do you actually know why it’s so significant? Do you know what it really means to take massive action?
What it Means to Take Massive Action
To take massive action means doing far more than the average person would do under the same or similar conditions. In fact, it means to go further than anyone would typically expect of you or of anyone else. Taking massive action means making your goal or the act of accomplishing that goal your duty, obligation, and responsibility. It means taking full ownership of your problems, mistakes, and failures and doing all you possibly can to rectify them.
Some people assume that taking massive action only needs to happen once to get them started, but you will find that with each new project and stage in your life you will need to bump up that action. It’s a continuous process.
After all, once you reach your first goal, there are going to be other ones you want to tackle and conquer too, right? So how do you keep up the momentum? There are going to be setbacks and times when you question if the goal is really worth the time and energy it requires to reach it. When you hit a slump or come up against self-doubt, here are some ways to get back your motivation to continue taking the massive action required to succeed.
Hang around like-minded people
When you first make the decision to go for your goal in a big way, you should look for support to help you achieve it. Whether you are learning a new language so you can travel or getting more fit or starting a business, it’s smart to hang out with others who have the same goal. It’s easy now to find people with the same ambitions–look online in forums or look at options in your local area. Many times you can find a group who meets regularly to be there for you when you need a boost.
Look back at what you’ve already accomplished
Sometime you may feel like you are working hard, but getting nowhere. This can dampen your enthusiasm for sure. But you’ve done more than what you realize! Go back through your planner or goal journal and refresh your memory of all the small steps you’ve taken that add up to getting you much closer to reaching your goal!
Break tasks down into smaller pieces
Taking big action can be frightening. If you are feeling like you can’t deal with a particular action you need to take to move on, try breaking that step down into several pieces. That will make it feel more manageable, and you will be able to see success more quickly as you check smaller tasks off your to-do list.
Use a sounding board
Talking out where you are stuck can be a huge help! Choose one of the people in your support group or even a sympathetic friend or relative to use as a sounding board. Even if they haven’t been in your exact situation before, they will have expected something in their lives similar enough that they will be able to empathize. They don’t necessarily need to give you advice, but rather, be there to let you talk through the decisions you are trying to make.
- Requires doing far more thatn is expected or required and more than the average person.
- Taking significantly accelerated action persistently over time to build momentum and to distinguish yourself from others.
- Taking action with increasing levels of activity
- Taking action with steadfast confidence
- Taking action despite uncertainty
- Taking ownership of problems, mistakes, and failures
- Constantly setting large challenging goals aligned with your purpose
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